bob watson in Chinese
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- watson
- n. 沃森〔姓氏〕。
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- bob
- n. 1.(女人、小孩的)短发;束发;髻;卷毛,卷毛假发;(马等)截短的尾巴。 2.诗节落尾的叠句,歌曲的短叠句。 vt. (-bb-) 截短,剪短(发、尾等)。 They bobbed their hair to be in style. 她们剪了赶时髦的短发式。 wear one's hair bobbed 剪短发。 n. 1.【物理学】摆锤,秤锤(等);(...
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- bob in
- 走进, 进入
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- bob into
- 走进, 进入
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- alberta watson
- 艾伯塔・沃森
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- barry watson
- 巴里・沃森; 瑞华特森
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- baxter watson
- 贝司特华特森
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- ben watson
- 本・沃森; 本沃特森
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What is the meaning of bob watson in Chinese and how to say bob watson in Chinese? bob watson Chinese meaning, bob watson的中文,bob watson的中文,bob watson的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by